Albums and singles with compositions of different composers

LEM ON   (2003)

       -What under a peel?
   -The material of album LEM ON represents electronic processings of products of composers - classics. In work Rossini's compositions, Soupe,  Shabri, Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, Grieg and Beethoven are used. All parties of works are executed "one-in-one" with originals, but executed on analogue and digital synthesizers. It gives to well-known music unusual and are unexpected character.
    - And why LEM ON? It has turned out, in our opinion, absolutely "not sour"...
    -To lemons it is any relation has no. I have given to plays new names since something has turned out, in my opinion, distinct from plans of composers, though... As the nobility... And names are given under names of works of science fiction writer  Stanislav Lem, which creativity I like very much. Therefore all cycle and is called LEM ON.
     - So it is sound illustrations to Lem?
     - Well-u-u... It would be for me honour.



   - What features of modern spelling?
   - In difference from the predecessor, where works of different authors have been collected, MODERN ORFFOGRAPHY is devoted creativity of one composer. It is great german composer Karl Orff. Unfortunately, his most known work CARMINA BURANA, which in an album too is and takes the central place, became original "grave-digger" of other works of the composer. But Orff has a lot of other interesting music, including for children. But the history disposes of such moments in own way. Disputes concerning about cooperation of Orff with a nazi mode on its native land from 1933 to 1945 till now do not cease. And though obvious proofs are not present, but also deny it the composer during process denazification could not. After all, the peak of his popularity has had for this period.
   - Means, MODERN ORFFOGRAPHY - such attempt to give a panorama of creativity of the composer.
   - Specially such task it was not put, but if so it has turned out too it is quite good. From 8 tracks, only 4 is CARMINA BURANA, and the rest -
other works.


St.Rav..in...sky   (2009) 

   - So, who this St. Rav, so safely travelling on Universe distances?
   - Anybody! It only game! Game with a name of the author of music. Game with his music. Game with a sound. Igor STRAVINSKY, namely its works have laid down in a basis of my new work, - the unique composer. It did not belong neither to one direction of musical thought, non to one school, but wonderfully has absorbed in the creativity all possible trends of music of the XX-th century. In his music there is all: both classicism, and jazz intonations, both the serial technics... And all it, wonderfully sounds both in an European way, and in Russian simultaneously. Stravinsky is a special musical Universe.
   - And, probably, therefore the album has turned out such "space"?
   - Yes, probably... By the way, one track, MARE TRANQUILLITATUS, is devoted one significant date: to the 40 anniversary of disembarkation to the Moon of crew of ship APOLLO 11. On record it is possible to hear negotiations of cosmonauts with the Earth in a landing time. In total in an album 13 tracks which will allow to make travel on heavens together with IGOR STRAVINSKY.



  -This album has turned out not such "epic" as previous.
  -Yes. Really. All depends of  material. At the heart of this album lies "Visions Fugitives" (Op. 22) of Sergey Prokofiev. It is very "intimate" music,with fragile character, full of semitones, twilights, incomplete lines... I  wanted to keep spirit of this work very much and I hope that it has turned out.
  -OK. Why DREAMS?
  -Music of "Visions Fugitives" is very similar to soundtracks to dreams, on my look. So you can look at BORROWED DREAMS as a certain catalog of the company which lets out such specific product as DREAMS BY REQUEST. No more uncontrolled dreams! You lie down in bed, connect "dreamvision", choose number in the catalog, for example "a dream № 379" and press "play" or "sleep".
  -And when your "catalog" release?
  -From 9.05.2011 BORROWED DREAMS is accessible to all fans to have a sleep on all main musical Internet shops of the world.



- Four albums and... a single???
- Yes. On an initial plan, the ACOUSTIC ASTRONOMY should become an album BORROWED DREAMS part. But in character and to a sound this work differed from other material and I have decided not to include it in an album, and to let out separately.
- What "acoustic astronomers" can observe?

- The single consists of two parts. The first: ACOUSTIC ASTRONOMY - Gabriel Faure's "Pavane" (Op.50); the second: PERFECT VACUUM - "Meditation de Thais" of Jules Massenet, which was LEM ON album part, but completely remastered for a single.
- And when the favorable period for "acoustic observations" begins?
Since July, 3rd the ACOUSTIC ASTRONOMY is available on the main
musical stores like iTunes, Amazone, eMusic and many more.



- Why Mercury?
- Because planet Mercury is a peculiar "gentlemen club" of writers, artists, poets, musicians which made big influence in art of our civilization. And a name of the composer, which music I used in this album  is present on the map of this planet.
- And who it is?
- Austrian composer ARNOLD SCHOENBERG. In my opinion he was the most revolutionary composer of the XX century.He absolutely changed style of thinking of composers. As Albert Enstein, only in music.
- And DESTINATION POINT is electronic versions of selection from his early works. Composer is present on an album too. You can hear his voice on two tracks.

  COLORS OF TIME   (2020)
 An electronic interpretations of Pyotr Tchaikovsky's THE SEASONS (op.37a).

